


Preparations before returning to ordinary schools

– Introduce to the ordinary schools details of the support services through the distribution of leaflets
– 透過派發單張,向普通學校介紹支援服務詳情

– Organise activities for school leavers and parent seminars to advise  on the choice of schools and provide guidance before they leave schools
– 舉行離校生活動、家長座談會,提供選校意見及輔導

– Transfer the students’ information to the ordinary schools concerned upon obtaining consent from the students/parents
– 在取得學生/家長同意後把學生資料傳遞到相關的普通學校

– Provide academic support for prospective school leavers during summer vacation
– 暑假期間為準離校生提供功課輔導

– Upon obtaining consent from the students/parents, contact the ordinary schools concerned in August and September to share with them the condition and needs of the students
– 取得學生/家長同意後,在 8 – 9 月聯絡相關的普通學校,以交流學生的情況及需要

Support in the first year of returning to ordinary schools

– Provide academic support for individual school leavers with  learning difficulties
– 按個別在學習方面有困難的離校生,提供功課輔導

– Set up a “Continuous Improvement Award” for the school leavers as an  encouragement
– 為離校生設立「持續進步獎」,以示鼓勵

– Arrange gatherings for the school leavers for experience sharing, mutual  support and encouragement
– 安排離校生聚會以分享經驗,互相支持及鼓勵

– Maintain regular contact with the school leavers by different means to  understand their latest situation and provide support for them
– 定期以不同方式聯絡離校生,以了解她們的近況及提供支援

– Provide support to individual schools according to their needs, for instance, organising workshops on how to handle students’ emotional and behavioral difficulties and invite the ordinary schools concerned to join
– 因應個別普通學校的需要安排支援,例如舉辦工作坊,讓相關的普通學校參與, 分享如何處理學生情緒及行為問題

– For individual difficult cases, conduct case conferences or home visits in collaboration with the ordinary schools concerned to work out plans to help the students
– 與相關的普通學校協作,為個別有困難的學生開個案會議或家訪,以商討幫助學 生的方案



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